Thursday, February 18, 2010

Memoirs of a Plantar Fasciitis Sufferer: Introduction

It's been almost two years since I wrote anything on this blog. All my energy has been redirected from 'soul searching' to stark cold medical research abount Plantar Fasciitis. So I thought, may be I can talk about that now. May be anyone could benefit from my experience as a fellow sufferer. PF is challenging enough, but I gotta tell you, it's one thing to have PF in the US or Europe, and a totally different thing to have it in Egypt, where podiatrists are not heard of, nobody seems to have PF, and MANY orthopedics wouldn't acknowledge you have a case that needs treatment unless you get them an X-ray with a fractured bone. I mean, with all due respect, but you can always say you do not know, or you need more tests, or hand me over to another doctor. But invalidating my own feeling of pain by saying 'Ooh it's noting', and 'Oh you mean that thickening and tightening in this tendon over here, that's not even a real problem'... Well I tell you what, it is a problem, one that could've been there for four years plaguing my life, a problem that could've been treated since the very first year if any of you orthopedics I'd visited knew any better.


Colourless_Turtle said...

My Dear ... I Love U ... I know that God will Support u, and I know that he'll cure u in his way by his means... in the time that is best to you, may be there are still small lessons that you still need to learn, and this is the only mean to learn it...
Trust in God, and be sure of his kindness ... Luv u (F)
Though we're @ egypt, and with all the lazy and stupid doctors that you've met I am sure that everything is gonna be just fine very soon (L)

Unknown said...

If you are sure that you have PF so there are things you can do by yourself. I have plantar fasciitis myself for a few months now. My podiatrist prescribed me with Custom made orthotics which did not work at all. I decided to take care of myself. There are a few self-care techniques that I got from this informative website-://

Katara said...

Thanks Suma dear :) I just felt like blowing off some steam.. Thanks or all your support and patience over the years when I'm all cranky and depressed..

But May be I'll try to cut the doctors some slack.. I mean your friend is a complex being, even when I get a supposedly 'simple' and 'curable' ailment, I get it in a complex way that's leaving the doctors scratching their heads :D Thumbs up for the all good doctors that understood and genuinely tried to help, and a BIG thumbs down for every one of those who told me I don't even have a problem (Oh and the one who gave me really HOT packs when this thing was still in the inflammation stage!!! What WERE YOU THINKNG??!!!) Oh anyways, I'll try to be nice.. may be later I could prepare a white list and a black list for the good and bad doctors I've come across :D

Katara said...

Hi עזרא

Thanks for your comment. Believe me I'm doing everything ever advised for PF treatment; icing, stretching the fascia (gently), stretching the calves muscles, physiotherapy sessions including massage and ultrasonic, chirporactor visits to work on foot alignment, a nice collection of shoe inserts, both off the shelf and custom..

Lately I updated my strategy to include Vitamin C, Triple Omega, Glucosamine Sulphate and MSM.

And currently in the stage of trying to purchase every product that seems to have good reviews; the foot log (, Yamuna foot wakers (, Foot Trainers ( ) , new balance shoes model 845 for motion control, and new balance ultra arch shoe insert, and new balance pressure relief shoe insert.. Really, try to make the best of the early stages of PF and get as much rest as you can.. it gets way more stubborn when it stayed longer. It's been four years of PF now, and I really wished I'd known back then what I know now.

Katara said...

Forgot to mention night splints and strassburg socks. I refrained from gettign night splints since the beginning because I have difficulty falling asleep and didn't wanna add more challenge to that, but decided to get them anyway after 4 yrs.. what the heck.. who needs sleep after all...?!