Monday, October 25, 2010

Doctor Visit

I had the long-dreaded doctor's appointment today... After a lot of crying and screaming I just wanna say two things...

I'm praying for the day that trigger points and the problem they cause get acknowledged by the medical communit, thus the doctors would stop making up diseases they guess I might be having although evidence negate it... just because they can't imagine a muskulatory problem might cause all that trouble...

I'm praying for the day when sensitivity training becomes MANDATORY among these creatures... and those beings stop giving themselves the right to judge if I should be 'bothered' or not by my pain... If it's not the pain of whatever disease, then the pain of having to visit them is severe enough to 'bother' me

My physiotherapists are excluded, because they are genuinely great. I love them, they really help me.. I'm so glad they wear a color other than white!

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