Friday, October 22, 2010


I came across this quote in the lovely movie "Under the Tuscan Sun":

"You know when you come across one of those empty-shell people? And you think, “What the hell happened to you?"
Well, there came a time where they were at a crossroads... in each one of those lives, someplace where they had to decide to turn left or right… "

It got me thinking how I'm becoming one of those 'empty-shelled people', or is it just called depression in my case? The days I just don't wanna get out of bed, the nights I feel I just want to stop existing. I feel like I am losing the ability to enjoy, like or love... Things are turning to a meaningless shade of grey. Slowly but surely I am losing the capacity for any kind of positive emotion, and it's all getting replaced with bitterness and negativity that don't even know where to be directed, so they just linger inside of me until I am on the verge of suffocation. Am I now standing at a crossroads, where I have to turn left or right, but I am unable to move anywhere? and those walls just keep getting closer and closer... until they squeeze out whatever soul still left in me...

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